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  • • What happened to A Nurse's Herbal Tea and Tehachapi Tea Co?
    We rebranded! Our company name has changed from Tehachapi Tea Company, LLC to A Nurse's Tea, LLC but we have the same people making the same essiac with a fresh new look and vision. Nothing has changed except the size of the pots, so rest assured that we are more equipped and ready to provide you with the highest quality fresh-brewed essiac tea on the market than ever before.
  • • How and when do you harvest the sheep sorrel plant?
    The whole, matured sheep sorrel plant is in all of our essiac products. Our Pacific Northwest grower organically wildcrafts, cuts and sifts it for us. We practice sustainable harvesting whereupon a portion of the root system is left behind so that the plant can continue to grow. We supplement this with additional root we grow in our organic gardens, which are propigated from seeds obtained from these Pacific Northwestern-grown matured sheep sorrel plants. We encourage people to try (for at least 2 months for each) different brands and formulas to see which one works best. Despite what you may hear, no 2 essiacs are exactly the same due to many reasons, as explained in this FAQ section. In terms of benefits, everyone responds different to medications as we are unique in our chemical compositions and how we process everything. Herbal remedies are no exception.
  • • What's a decoction anyway?
    A decoction is an herbal brewing technique involving the extraction of nutrients from hardy herbs via boiling and extended steeping. Essiac's herbs are dense, strong, and require boiling then steeping for 10-12 hours to fully extract all nutrients possible into the distilled water. The term 'tea' has become somewhat of a blanket term for herbal beverages, which is why it is often used to describe essiac. However, an authentic tea requires the use of the camellia sinensis plant, native to East Asia. A hot herbal drink that does not contain sinensis is most likely just an infusion. That is, unless it's a decoction, like essiac! Check out our How to Brew page for instructions on brewing your own essiac at home.
  • • How do I store my wet and dry essiac?
    Dry: Always store your herbs in a dry, cool, dark, and preferably air-tight container to maximize their life. Much like medications, dried herbs lose their potency over time, with light and heat often accelerating this process. Wet: We recommend amber glass bottles for essiac storage and not plastic, as we worry about chemical leaching and light exposure during longterm storage. If you are using clear glass containers, I wouldn't worry too much about light exposure. The container will be in your closed refrigerator the majority of the time.
  • • Can I digest it via capsule?
    BTW - DO NOT INJECT ESSIAC, EVER! Not only is injecting a non-medically approved substance dangerous, it is illegal for companies to sell them. There are no benefits to herbal injections, only risks. As for capsules, consuming tough and hardy herbs (even if powdered) in capsulated form and expecting the stomach to extract the same nutrients it would from an extracted and prepared liquid is something we don't recommend, and only because we worry about inadequate absorption. In medicine, it's universal knowledge that the best way to quickly and effectively get material into a patient's system is by the following methods: 1. Intravenous 2. Sublingual (under the tongue) 3. Ingestion of a liquid 4. Tablet or capsule with medicine specifically designed for quick intestinal absorption Our personal belief is that essiac is most effective in liquid form, so we don't offer it or instruct it to be brewed or taken in any other fashion.
  • • How effective are essiac tea bags steeped in hot water?
    Essiac is a decoction, which means it requires boiling and steeping for much longer than an infusion. The original essiac recipe calls for an extended steeping process of ten to twelve hours. Thus, when it comes to small, individual tea bags, we don't recommend steeping less than five minutes, even if powdered. We maintain that to unlock the blend's full strength, it must steep for much longer, preferably after boiling. Essiac tea bag infusions are fine for getting the essiac taste and maybe some intestinal detoxification, but we don't believe they have the power of a full-blown essiac decoction.
  • • How much should I take?
    We go into more detail in the How to Enjoy section of this site, but literature, experience, and feedback tell us that if you want a basic daily essiac detox, 2oz a day is fine. If you are wanting to increase the possible effects of essiac on your system, then we recommend 6oz a day (3oz in the morning and 3oz at night), but cut back if you experience any gastrointestinal discomfort. Try to take essiac on an empty stomach at least one hour after and ten minutes before any food or medications. Personally, we drink around a quarter bottle each day (about 8oz for each of us), but we've been on this tea for decades and don't recommend that for everybody!
  • • What does it taste like?
    Essiac has a deep, rich, tangy, earthy flavor when brewed properly. It's an aquired taste for many (we've been drinking it so long that it tastes better than any other tea or coffee to us), so we detail various healthy methods to sweeten or enrich the taste in the How to Enjoy section of our site.
  • • Does essiac spoil?
    NOTE: If you notice any tampering or packaging failures with your essiac bottles, packets, or other products-- such as a seal being broken-- DO NOT USE THEM. Instead, head to our Return Policy page for info on how to receive a complimentary replacement (we may ask that you take a photo of the damaged product(s) with your phone, so make sure to do that before discarding). Because our essiac has no preservatives, the tea will spoil over time depending on how it is bottled and stored (which we take to be a good thing, as there are lots of nutrients present to be spoiled in the first place!). When it comes to our brewed bottles of essiac, they will last about a year unopened, thanks to the vacuum seal they receive when bottled in our kitchen. We know for sure because we've sent our essiac to an FDA-approved laboratory to perform shelf-testing studies in order to determine how long our unopened bottles of tea will last. Plus, we've kept a bottle or two around for a year ourselves and popped it open to find the essiac still fine. If you brew your essiac following the hand-pour method (bottled at 180°F [82°C] or more) on the How to Brew page of our site, then you should achieve the same vacuum seal that we do, which allows you to store your bottles on the shelf. If you brew your essiac following the tea-siphon method (bottled at 120°F [49°C] or less) on the How to Brew page of our site, then you will need to store your bottles in the fridge, as we can't guarantee a vacuum seal will be achieved. Once a vacuum-sealed bottle is opened, or a non-vacuum sealed bottle is made, then the tea should last about 4 weeks refrigerated, and maybe a day at room temperature. You can tell essiac has gone bad when you see "floaters" on top of your tea or it has thickened somewhat. But the taste and smell should betray the spoilage far sooner, as it will have become very bitter and sour and smell "off" to you.
  • • Are all the essiac teas the same?
    Yes and no! But moreso no! To start, the 4-herb essiac recipe is more commonly brewed compared to the 8-herb version, with different brewers exploring numerous variations and approaches therein. As a proponent of the original 4-herb recipe, we use organic sheep sorrel (root & shoot), burdock root, slippery elm bark, and turkey rhubarb in distilled water. Another point separating different brands of essiac-- and influencing the final product's efficacy-- is the quality of herbs used. This may vary based on numerous factors: 1. Honest botanical source. Some less reputable herb growers and tea manufacturers have been known to swap out herbs with cheaper substitutes due to cost, availability, etc. 2. The presence of contaminants, whether picked up at the farm or the brewery. 3. The farm or garden's growing conditions: termperature, geography, time of harvest, possible micro-organisms, heavy metals, pesticides, etc. 4. Harvesting of the correct plant part: leaves, stem, root, etc. 5. Preparation of the herb: drying, cutting, grinding, etc. 6. Cooking methodology: boiling, simmering, steeping, amount of heat, duration, etc. 7. Storage: containers used, storage enviornment, presence of light, etc. You can rest assured, however, that all our herbs are sourced from ethical, reputable, and organic North American farms and orchards. Our prices reflect this, but we believe it's worth it to ensure we're getting the best ingredients for our tea and thus for your body. Robinson A, McGrail MR. Disclosure of Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) Use of Medical Practitioners: A Review of Qualitative and Quantitative Studies. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2004; 12(2-3): 90-98. Dreskin, SC. A Prescription Drug Packaged in China and Sold as an Ethnic Remedy. JAMA. 2000; 283(18):2393. Ng Th, Chan Yw, Yu Yl, Et al. Encephalopathy and neuropathy following ingestion of Chinese herbal broth containing podophyllin. . 1991; 101(1):107-113. Tomlinson B, Chan Ty, Chan JC, Crichtley Ja. Toxicity of Complementary Therapies: An Eastern Perspective. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 2000; 40(5): 451-456.
  • • Turkey rhubarb root vs. chinese rhubarb root
    This issue isn't considered as controversial nowadays, with most essiac sellers unanimous on turkey rhubarb (rheum palmatum) root being the best and most authentic herb to use. There is, however, a vary winding and often confusing history to the many different rhubarbs, their identifications, and their usages in medicinal remedies. Our research in the early days of A Nurse's Tea led us to this excerpt from The Herb Society of America Encyclopedia of Herbs and Their Uses by Deni Brown (1995): "The two main medicinal species of rhubarb are R.palmatum, introduced into Europe in 1762, and R.officinale, introduced in 1867. The cultivation of R.palmatum was given high priority in the 18th century. A map of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (originally a physic garden), dated 1777, indicates a very large area devoted to its cultivation. R.palmatum is one of the most widely used Chinese herbs. It was first mentioned in the Shen Nong Canon of Herbs, which dates back to the Han dynasty (206BG-AD23). Rhubarbs contain anthraquinone glycosides, which act as strong laxatives. Several species are used medicinally, including R.officinale, R.australe (Himalayan rhubarb, Indian rhubarb), and the hybrid R.palmatum x R.coreanum (Japanese rhubarb). Many other names exist, such as "Turkey rhubarb," and "Dutch rhubarb," which usually refer to the commercial source... rather than the country of origin. These rhubarbs vary slightly in chemistry but are used interchangeably." In short, there are many variations of rhubarb out there, but the consensus among essiac brewers and followers of Caisse's story is that turkey rhubarb (rheum palmatum) is the most effective and authentic essiac rhubarb, which is why we use it too.
  • This product is not recommended to mix with anything including honey. It is to drink alone or with water. Why are you recommending honey?
    I have come across those persons (and animals including my own) who just could not tolerate the taste of the tea. So, in order to get them to be able to take it without throwing up, I have suggested adding natural substances (honey, for example) that are healthy for the body. In no way have I noticed that doing this made any difference in customer response. Taking the tea is better then not taking the tea, so my guidelines are based on years of living and breathing essiac to the tune of manufacturing 1/2 million bottles over the past 25 years. I could publish a book on just the anecdotal evidence I have but it is illegal to publish and sell the tea in the U.S. Barbara, I appreciate you taking the time to compare, but it is impossible to match all pricing across the board because of those extra fees. Take good care of yourself and have a blessed day!
  • • What is the history of essiac?
    The history of essiac can often be described as rather convoluted and contested, but here we will list what we and much of the community believe are the most truthful and relevant facts. We encourage you to do your own research as well, as there are numerous differing opinions and pieces of evidence floating around on the internet and in numerous books that merit your consideration. The North American Ojibwe Native tribe is believed to have developed the bones of what we today refer to as essiac long ago, even centuries or more. In the early 20th century, Rene Caisse, a Canadian nurse, is said to have learned the basic recipe from an Ojibwe medicine man. She then adapted, solidified, and named that recipe essiac ('caisse' spelled backwards). She then brewed this tea for her own patients for decades. Over the years, the recipe has fluctuated and changed in the hands of different brewers, with many saying this way is right and that way is wrong, these herbs are best and these are worst, I have the right to brew it and you don't, get off my lawn, etc. There have even been scientific attempts to quantify what benefits essiac offers, but those have mostly fallen through for one reason or another. Some have said it is a useless, superstitous drink, while others swear by it and even claim it saved their life. Our experience is that essiac tea is a great, healthful, dexotitive herbal tea. We make no claims that it is a magic bullet or miracle cure, no matter how it's prepared or with what different herbs people try. We do believe, however, that it is worthy of including in your health regimine, and over 20 years of positive, heartfelt feedback from our friends and patrons has kept us in strong in this belief. Today you will find a virtual maelstrom of different approaches and opinions on essiac tea across the internet, and it's pretty easy to get confused. Should it be taken as a tincture? Powdered? Is four herb or eight herb best? What about capsules? How much sheep sorrel root makes it work? We have our own stances on these issues, as you can derive from our site and product line, but we encourage you to try what you think will work best for you, even if it means going with a different company. There are many great ones out there, and they all offer slightly-to-majorly different experiences when it comes to this often enigmatic, but wholely fascinating, decoction. References Dr. Gary Glum. Calling of an Angel. 1988. Silent Walker Publishing: Los Angeles Sheila Snow. Essence of Essiac. 1993. Sheila Snow: Canada Caroline Bennett. I Want to Live Using Essiac. 2012. Caroline Bennett: South Carolina Teresa Tsalaky. To Life: A Guide to Finding Your Path Back to Health. 2002. To Life Publications: Crescent City, CA
  • • Which is better: 4-herb or 8-herb essiac?
    You've probably noticed that there are two main versions of essiac on the market-- a four herb and an eight herb recipe. Most agree that the four herb is Caisse's original, with ingredients such as red clover, blessed thistle, kelp, and watercress added to the recipe later by others. We specialize in the four herb recipe for now, as we haven't delved into the eight herb quite yet. There are numerous proponents of both recipes, so we encourage you to research and try both to see which agrees with your unique physiology more.
  • • How well are herbal remedies regulated by the FDA and how can I avoid getting "bad" essiac herbs?"
    In North America, regulations of herbal medicines are not as strict as those applied to conventional medications. In fact, good manufacturing practices applicable to food manufacturing are some of the only regulations in place to assure standards and quality control of dietary supplements. In 1983, Congress passed the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, which was the start of US drug regulations, but homeopathic medicines were specifically exempted, resulting in limited regulation of herbs by the FDA. Interestingly, the concentration of active ingredients in herbal medicines is affected by numerous factors, including: 1. The correct identification of the botanical source 2. The presence of contaminants or substitution of the intended source for other plants of lower cost with potential toxicologic consequences 3. Growing conditions, including temperature, geography and time of harvest, and possible contamination with micro-organisms, heavy metals, pesticides, or prescription drugs 4. Collection of the appropriate plant part (e.g., leaves vs root) 5. Preparation of speciments (e.g., drying, grinding, etc.) 6. Laboratory processing (e.g., solvent used for extraction of active ingredients) 7. Storage 8. Formulation of the final product (e.g., liquid vs solid pill) These processes vary considerably among manufacturers and influence product quality and concentration of active ingredients in the final product. This is one of the many reasons why it would be extremely difficult to regulate homeopathic medicines. Therefore, know your source. Read, chat, talk, network, etc. in order for you to be satisfied in the product you purchase. We promise to always be honest, straight, and transparent with you. We're not in the business of spreading fake facts-- if we don't know something or are unsure, you'll be the first to know. References: U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Federal Register Final Rule: Current Good Manufacturing Practice in Manufacturing, Packaging, Labeling, or Holding Operations for Dietary Supplements. Robinson, A, McGrail MR. Disclosure of CAM Use to Medical Practitioners: A Review of Qualitative and Quantitative Studies. Complementary Therapeutic Medicine. 2004. 12(2-3):90-98 Dreskin, SC. A Prescription Drug Packaged in China and Sold as an Ethnic Remedy. Journal of American Medical Association. 2000;283(18):2393 Ng TH, Chan YW, Yu YL, et al. Encephalopathy and Neuropathy Following Ingestion of Chinese Herbal Broth Perspective. Journal of Natural Science. 1991;101(1):107-113 Tomlinson B, Chan TY, Chan JC, Crichtley JA, But PP. Toxicity of Complementary Therapies: An Eastern Perspective. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 2000;40(5):451-456
  • • Why is your home-brewing process different from other essiac suppliers?
    Our process pretty much mirrors the original essiac recipe in Calling of an Angel by Dr. Gary Glum and other essiac recipe experts. We have never changed a thing when it comes to all aspects of essiac brewing (with the exception of added SS roots) for 23 years and we continue to stand by our method for our customers today. You'll find a wide variation in brew instructions across the internet, with each essiac provider claiming that their technique is the most effective and authentic. We can't refute anyone else's claims, as everyone has different herb sources, consistencies, equipment, etc.-- but we can say we've perfected our own process and believe wholeheartedly in its results based on our own experience and the feedback of our thousands of patrons over the last two decades.
  • • How do I brew essiac?
    Check out our How to Brew page on this site to learn! Different essiac sellers have different instructions based on the size of the dry tea packets they sell and their own preferred methods of brewing. Our method is designed to replicate how we brew essiac in our own kitchen, and give you a large, potent batch of essiac in a single run. You can use your own brewing supplies, ones we provide on our Essiac Store, or equivalent equipment found in online or physical stores. Note that to brew our 1 gallon yield dry essiac packet, you will need a 2-gallon pot, a straining method (such as a tea ball or funnel strainer), and receptacles such as glass bottles with caps. We also offer everything you need in our Brewer's Pack: Bounty for those who might not have the equivalent supplies and want to get started right away. You can also check out our tea siphon if you are looking for an easier way to transfer tea from pot to bottle when brewing our 1 gallon yield dry essiac packets. Note that when using the tea siphon, however, your essiac must be bottled at 120°F (48°C) or less, which means we can't guarantee a vacuum seal will be formed and thus the bottles must be stored in a refrigerator after bottling.
  • • How does the tea siphon work? Is it mandatory?
    We recently added a handy tea siphon to our store in an effort to make brewing essiac at home easier for those who might have trouble lifting and pouring a gallon of essiac from pot to funnel / bottle. It also provides more control in the bottling process and limits spillage. Originally for kombucha and beer brewers, this siphon comes with instructions for brewing essiac (which can also be found under the How to Brew section of our site). If you feel comfortable lifting a gallon pot and pouring it into a funnel (or have a friend of family member who can for you), then the siphon isn't necessary. It's only for those who don't want to lift the pot, want a bit more control over the tea, want to prevent spillage from overflow (which can be difficult to avoid when pouring a pot), and/or don't mind storing their essiac bottles in the fridge. NOTE: The disadvantage of using the siphon bottling method is that you must let the essiac cool to 120°F (48°C) after the second boil in order to siphon your tea from pot to bottle, meaning the resulting tea-- though the same essiac as if you bottled hot-- must be refrigerated. The tubing and housing of the siphon, though food-safe, are not rated for higher temperatures and may crack above 120°F. This cooling step is not necessary when pouring the tea by hand instead of with the siphon, as the tea should be bottled hot in that scenario to guarantee a vacuum seal for shelf storage. In short, if you use the tea siphon, you must refrigerate your bottles because they won't be vacuum sealed by high enough heat. NOTE: Do not use the siphon for anything other than this tea. It's not for gas or oil!
  • • Can I use cheesecloth to strain my essiac?
    Hold that cheesecloth! The reason we heavily discourage it is because of the slippery elm bark. When brewed, it releases a nutrient-rich mucus that must be able to pass through your straining method into the bottle. While metal strainers allow it to pass through (unless super fine, which we don't recommend), cheesecloth often does not, or only partially. This also touches upon why we recommend bringing the tea back up to a second boil after steeping and before bottling. If this step is skipped, then we believe there is a chance that the slippery elm bark mucus will not re-integrate well with the tea. What you might see after bottling without a second boil is a slightly gelatonous substance on your pot and/or strainer, which is not ideal as that's slippery elm bark and it should be in your bottle!
  • • Why the second boil after steeping?
    Another unique step to our home brewing process is the bringing of your tea back to a boil after steeping for 10-12 hours. The advantages of this are three-fold: 1. If you plan on hand-pouring your tea into your bottles (not using a tea siphon), then this brings the essiac back up to an acceptable temperature for achieving a vacuum seal with our vacuum seal caps. You will then be able to store your brewed tea on a shelf for up to a year. 2.The second boil will also kill off bacterium which may have landed in your pot during the steeping process. Remember, this is not a sterile process. 3. We still strongly encourage a second boil even if you're using a tea siphon (and must let the tea cool a bit before bottling) because we believe the second boil helps mix and reintegrate the slippery elm bark's mucilage properties back into the tea before pouring. Otherwise, it might not be evenly spread throughout your bottles and may remain on the pot and/or strainer.
  • • Can I use my own glass containers to bottle in?
    Clear glass containers: Yes! You totally can. We just recommend you keep them in a dark refrigerator after bottling. Plastic containers: We don't recommended them with our brewing process. We encourage home brewers to bottle their tea above 180°F (82°C) when hand-pouring (to ensure a vacuum seal), and at 120°F (48°C) when using the hand siphon (high enough to keep slippery elm bark mucous integrated, but low enough not to damage the siphon). Since both of these levels are still hot, we can't be sure the plastic containers being used won't release any chemicals into the tea over time. We recommend glass containers instead, as we know for sure they can handle the heat without adding any contaminants. Yes, we are paranoid, but we believe it's a worthwhile extra step to ensure purity.
  • • Do I have to use distilled water?
    Nope! You can also use purified or well-filtered water. We just don't recommend tap water, as we're concerned foreign contaminants, chemicals, and minerals might interfere with the properties of the tea. Basically, go for the cleanest, purest water you can manage.
  • • Do you have any free shipping offers?
    Yes! For retail customers (general public) we cover shipping costs on orders whose subtotals (pre-tax and shipping [UPS]) are $300 and over, as well as orders only consisting of dry herb packets or other low weight items such as tea balls and thermometers (USPS). Wholesale customers don't receive free shipping until their subtotal reaches $1000 due to the bulk nature of their purchases, but still get a competitive base discount.
  • • Your shipping costs seem higher than competitors-- why?
    Check out the 'Why do you only use amber glass bottles?' question at the bottom of the 'About Essiac' section of this FAQ page for more information on our reasonings, but in summary, it's because we use glass bottles for our brewed essiac and sell bigger packets of herbs than many other vendors, thus, we are shipping more weight. On another note, we have tried various carriers over the years and have settled upon UPS to handle our bottles and USPS to ship our dry packets. In order for you to save money on the tea, order more than one because then, when you factor in the shipping costs, the cost per bottle goes down (alot!).
  • • How long will it take to ship?
    Barring any extraneous circumstances, we process all orders within one business day (unless we run out of tea after a big order, in which case we'll be brewing immediately and will ship your order as soon as the tea is made). The time in transit will depend on where you live and environmental conditions, but UPS ground is generally pretty quick nowadays. For sake of comparison, those in Washington State and Vermont should expect 4-5 business days from when we ship to receive their order, whereas those closer to Texas (where we are) can often expect their delivery within 1-3 business days.
  • • Can you ship overnight?
    We certainly can and have many times before! As it stands, however, you will have to contact us by phone (855-4ESSIAC) to place your overnight order. That way, we can tell you the exact cost of shipping overnight via UPS, which could be rather large. Do not place an overnight order online. Also, the order must be called in by 1PM CST in order for it to be picked up by UPS the same day.
  • • I live in an RV park that requires a different address for UPS vs. USPS shipping-- how do I know which of my addresses to provide?
    Good question! If you’re ordering packets and other products that say ‘LIGHTWEIGHT’ under ‘SHIPPING INFORMATION’ on the right side of their product page, then they’ll be shipped using the USPS. But if any product in your cart is a ‘HEAVYWEIGHT’ item, then everything in the cart will be shipped via UPS. Basically, if you only ever order packets, guidebooks, or small supplies, we’ll ship them free for you through the USPS. Another way to tell is if the shipping cost on your cart page is listed as zero. This means there are no heavyweight items in your cart, and you'll receive free shipping through the USPS. (Although, if you're ordering more than $300 of essiac products and are not a wholesale vendor, your shipping will also be listed as zero due to our free shipping over $300 offer. In this scenario, there could still be heavyweight items in your cart, which means the whole order will be shipped through UPS). Our site can also save multiple addresses, so you should be able to choose whichever is appropriate for you at checkout. If we have confused you, please reach out and ask us a question!
  • Do you ship internationally?
    Yes we do! However, we can ship only the dry packets to international customers. We apologize, but we can not ship the filled glass quarts at this time. We have tried that in the past, but they always came back broken. We can not guarantee delivery by a certain day. Every customs department is different and we have no idea how long it will take to get to you when it is at your border. All dry packets will go by postal service. If you would like a shipping cost quote, please send email with address to: or send a text to: 1-281-2543-6283. We will respond as soon as we can. Thank you!
  • Why do you charge more on Amazon for your bottled tea but charge less for shipping? I was interested but you have me not wanting to buy from you for a couple fo reasons - one, the price should be the same across the board - charging too much for shipping!"
    Hi Barbara D - I am not sure if you are aware of this, but Amazon charges me $6.00 for every bottle that is sold, so I either have to recoup that through the cost of the quart itself or bump up the shipping. Amazon does not offer any shipping option other than free shipping or paying a flat rate. This is very unfortunate since I have a UPS account and am able to utlilize real-time shipping on my website only, and not on Amazon. The $8.00 flat rate was the figure I came up with that would be the closest to real-time UPS shipping costs and bottle cost combined through my website. To help explain further the $8.99/bottle cost, if you were on my site and put, let's say, a bottle in the cart, the shipping costs and bottle cost ($19./99 + your shipping cost to wherever you live) would almost equal out to the total cost you would pay through Amazon.
  • • How can I contact you?
    Easily and through many channels! You can visit our Contact page and send us a message through the form, email us at, call us at 855-4ESSIAC, text us at 713-837-6511, or yodel from a mountaintop and we'll respond (it's not just your echo). We're available for calls and texts Monday through Saturday from 9AM-7PM, and will do our best to respond to voicemails and emails within those hours as well. If you are experiencing an issue with your order, feel free to take a look at our Return Policy and then contact us immediately. We'll do our best to resolve it as soon as possible, whether via replacement or refund.
  • • Can I tell you my essiac story?
    Yes! We love to hear your stories, and we could fill a book with all the amazing tales and feedback we've gotten from our customers over the years. You can either leave a story on our Testimonials page, a voice message at 855-4ESSIAC, an email to, text it to us at 281-254-6283, or write a letter and mail it to: A Nurse's Tea 133 N Friendswood Dr Box 170 Friendswood, TX 77546 We look forward to hearing about your experience!
  • • Do you have a refund policy?
    Yes! Please visit our Return Policy page for a detailed list of refund and replacement scenarios we accept and their correlating responses. Next, make contact with us as soon as possible via our Contact message form, writing, calling 855-4ESSIAC, or texting 281-254-6283. We want you to be satisified with our service as well as our product, so if anything is amiss, please don't hesitate to let us know.
  • • Do you sell wholesale?
    We do indeed! Our wholesale vendors receive a competitive discount on bottles and packets. If you are interested in carrying essiac tea in your inventory, check out the Wholesale page of our site for steps on proceeding. We're honored you would consider us to help spread the health benefits of essiac through to your patrons. Together we can spread essiac to all who may benefit from it!
  • • Do you have a loyalty program?
    Yes! We started the Essiac Rewards Club to not only encourage our patrons to stick with essiac over time, the way herbal remedies are most effective, but also as a way to reward essiac users with increasingly heavy discounts. Our hope is that if essiac works for you, then you'll save more and more money over time. Anyone who creates an account on is automatically welcomed to the club as a Sun Bear via email with a lifetime 5% discount on all future purchases.
  • • Why is your essiac more expensive than some others on the market?
    There are plenty of essiac formulas out there that you can get for cheaper or at a higher price than ours. There always have been and there always will be. In the early years of beginning the tea business, I used to get commentaries about the price we charged for our tea. Comments such as "You get what you pay for" and "Higher herb costs = higher quality product" would just get my goat. Our business was functioning in the red for the first 5 years because I hated to increase the price on anything. Fortunately, over the years, more and more caring essiac makerters are not so focused on a wide profit margin as they are helping people, so I now consider those comments fictitious. We promise that our prices are where they are not because of greed for profits, but as a direct reflection of our refusal to compromise on the quality of organic ingredients we use, their extended brewing, the packaging they're placed in, and the premium supplies we offer. Believe us, we would give essiac away for free is we could make a living, but we've priced them to at least break even in order to continue to maintain the quality of our essiac and spread its benefits to as many people as possible. If you are having trouble affording essiac, we recommend joining our site, which automatically enrolls you in the Essiac Rewards Club, a program we started as a way to offer deep discounts to those who benefit from essiac and want to stick with it in the long term, the way it's most effective. Please also consider joining our Birthday Club for an annual 50%-off coupon and our Mailing List for updates on new deals.
  • • If I purchase more than one, can I get a discount?"
    The only discounts we currently offer are via the Essiac Rewards Club, the Birthday Club, free shipping on lighweight items, free shipping on orders over $300, and bulk wholesale purchases (must be a vendor). However, when it comes to our heavyweight items, you do save money on shipping when purchasing more products at once! While the base cost of a bottle will remain the same, the cost to ship each bottle drops as you increase the quantity. This is because UPS doesn't mind shipping heavy packages. For example, ONE bottle going to Smithsburg, Maryland would cost $18.99 (subtotal) + $11.74 (shipping) = $30.73 (total). But FOUR bottles going to Smithsburg, Maryland would be $75.96 (subtotal) + $16.72 (shipping) = $92.68 (total). Thus, shipping one bottle to Maryland costs $30.73 per bottle, whereas shipping four bottles costs $23.17 per bottle, effectively saving you $7.56 per bottle and $30.24 in total when ordering four instead of one. And if your subtotal reaches $300 or more, then you'll save even more with free shipping!

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Essiac heart doodle
Essiac heart doodle
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