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Handy tea siphon for brewing essiac

After a long search, we're excited to offer this handy and easy to use tea siphon for our essiac home brewers. It eliminates the need for lifting, tipping, and pouring your pot of essiac into your bottles, which can be difficult for some people. It also allows for more control over the flow of your tea from pot to bottle, and prevents as much spillage from overflow, which can be difficult to avoid when hand pouring.


It includes a convenient tube clamp for controlling the flow of tea while still preserving the siphon suction, as well as a mounting clip that holds the siphon in place on the pot's wall. It's also easy to clean by running water through its tubing.


NOTE: The disadvantage of using the tea siphon over hand pouring is that it's only rated up to 120°F (49°C), which means you'll need to let your essiac cool after the second boil and will have to store your bottles in the fridge after brewing. This is because the tea must be bottled at at least 180°F (82°C) to guarantee shelf storage. So if you plan on using the tea siphon, be prepared to have room in your refrigerator for 4 bottles of essiac.


NOTE: Tea siphon is for beverages up to 120°F (49°C) only, not gas or chemicals. It can be recommissioned for non-beverage use after you're permanently done using it for tea, but once used for a non-food substance, it should not be used for food again.

Tea Siphon

    • Includes:
      • 1 Tea siphon
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